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LISTEN LIVE: Supreme Court hears case on collaboration between government and social media companies

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing a challenge on Monday from Missouri and Louisiana to the Biden administration’s efforts to combat controversial social media posts on topics including COVID-19 and election security.
The hearing is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. ET. Listen live in the player above.
The states argue that the Democratic administration has been unconstitutionally coercing the platforms into cracking down on conservative positions.
In two other cases last Friday, the Supreme Court justices unanimously ruled that public officials can sometimes be sued for blocking their critics on social media, an issue that first arose for the high court in a case involving then-President Donald Trump.
The cases forced the court to deal with the competing free speech rights of public officials and their constituents, all in a rapidly evolving virtual world. They are among five social media cases on the court’s docket this term.
The justices are also evaluating Republican-passed laws in Florida and Texas that prohibit large social media companies from taking down posts because of the views they express. The tech companies said the laws violate their First Amendment rights. The laws reflect a view among Republicans that the platforms disproportionately censor conservative viewpoints.
